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Water Wells

How Much Water Is Needed?

What You Should Know About Water Wells

How much water is needed?

Wisely planned, a dependable water well can supply all the water you need now and into the future. A rule of thumb is to allow between 75 to 150 gallons per person per day. You need to take into account the peak demand, for example when there may be extra guests for holidays and weekends. Outside use of water can pose much greater demands. You need to calculate the required well yield if your well is needed for additional water uses such as swimming pools, irrigation, fire protection, heating & cooling, etc.

Our experienced personnel can assist in the proper sizing of the new well AND the proper sizing of pumping equipment (pump, tank, wire size) to deliver water to your home to meet the water demand needs.


631 Route 12 North
Keene, NH 03431

LOCAL: (603)352-8866
FAX: (603)357-8572